black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Construyendo redes, enlazando negocios

Diseño y mantenimiento de redes de fibra óptica.

Infraestructura sólida

Soporte técnico y mantenimiento de redes óptimas.

Implementación y medición de proyectos exitosos.

Obra civil para redes de telecomunicaciones.

Soporte técnico
Obra civil

Conoce a Soitsa Telecom

Expertos en redes de fibra óptica, dedicados a ofrecer soluciones innovadoras y eficientes para conectar negocios y construir infraestructuras sólidas.

A close-up image of numerous yellow fiber optic cables connected to ports on a network panel. The cables are prominently in focus, with some parts of the panel appearing blurred in the background.
A close-up image of numerous yellow fiber optic cables connected to ports on a network panel. The cables are prominently in focus, with some parts of the panel appearing blurred in the background.



Clientes satisfechos

Éxitos comprobados

Nuestros Servicios

Ofrecemos soluciones integrales en diseño y mantenimiento de redes de fibra óptica.

A network patch panel with numerous green fiber optic connectors arranged in a row. Bright yellow cables are plugged into each connector, extending outwards in an organized manner. The cables and connectors appear to be part of a structured cabling system in a data center or similar technical environment.
A network patch panel with numerous green fiber optic connectors arranged in a row. Bright yellow cables are plugged into each connector, extending outwards in an organized manner. The cables and connectors appear to be part of a structured cabling system in a data center or similar technical environment.
Soporte y Mantenimiento

Aseguramos el óptimo funcionamiento de su red con soporte técnico especializado.

Implementación y Medición

Realizamos la implementación de redes y mediciones para garantizar su eficiencia.

Obra Civil

Desarrollamos proyectos de obra civil para la instalación de infraestructura de telecomunicaciones.

Soitsa Telecom ha transformado nuestra red de fibra óptica. Su equipo es profesional y eficiente, logrando resultados excepcionales en tiempo récord. ¡Altamente recomendados!

Juan Pérez

An optical fiber amplifier device sits on a perforated black metal surface. The device has a digital display showing numerical information and control buttons next to it. A red light indicator labeled 'ACTIVE' is illuminated. A key is inserted into a lock on the front panel. Blue fiber optic cables are connected to the IN and OUT ports.
An optical fiber amplifier device sits on a perforated black metal surface. The device has a digital display showing numerical information and control buttons next to it. A red light indicator labeled 'ACTIVE' is illuminated. A key is inserted into a lock on the front panel. Blue fiber optic cables are connected to the IN and OUT ports.


gray computer monitor


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